Our process invites in history and locality, identity and complexity. It is wildly curious, pursuing the almost impossible, unlocking the elements that trip the trigger on the sparks of new stories to tell. New worlds to explore, and moments to share.
Founded in Portland, Oregon in 2016, our team is now based in both Portland and Seattle. We are a close-knit, highly focused group of collaborators working on projects around the globe.
our process
The alchemy
The practice of infusing an environment with a sense of emotion and place takes more than just answering the brief. Within our process we embrace the tangible but also embark on a freewheeling, wildly curious journey to explore the ethereal world and discover intangible qualities that combine to build the story of a space. This alchemy is how we create wonder for our clients.
the inner circle
Translating the intangible into a physical reality is a process that binds together the people who take part in it. You become part of our inner circle, a place where we hear and understand each other in a way that allows us to build trust and inspire new ideas. We revel in the moment when we are finally able to welcome others to join in and share in what we have created.
the handshake
When working with us, you become an insider. With a wink and a nod, you’re granted access to a versatile team—experienced collaborators, technical masters, and designers with diverse expertise—resulting in perfectly executed spaces where the vision is never lost in translation. We help guide your project with excellence, care, intention and uniquely creative spirit.
Members of
Members of
Members of
Members of
Members of
Casey Scalf
Director / Unicycle Mechanic
the Society
the Society
the Society
the Society
the Society
Gina Leone
Designer / Competitive Eater
Courtney Maclean
Designer / Cultivator of Whimsy
Members of
Members of
Members of
Members of
Members of
Alison Gilbo
Designer / Wonderland Wanderer
Angie Blechschmidt
Designer / Curator of Chaos
the Society
the Society
the Society
the Society
the Society
Allie Leaf
Designer / 35mm Voyager
Cashin Conover
Designer / Demitasse Dilettante
the club
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Layered interiors